At the same time, some childhood health problems such as allergies and autism appear to be increasing in number. Some say this is a reason to stay away from genetically modified foods and opt for a more organic, natural diet. This leads to our honey bees and other pollinators, researchers initially suggested that cell phones were the main culprit in honey bee deaths. This has been proven false and as more research is conducted, we are looking at multiple issues. Among these is colony collapse disorder, which is essentially the complete disappearance of bees from a hive or the finding of all the bees dead in and around the hive. With the current need for ever-increasing pollination of places like California's almond fields, we need more bees. From this type of pollination we have developed large-scale commercial beekeeping. So, since many beekeepers have to send their bees into these large pollination zones, we are allowing the bees to be covered in pesticides and the return of pollen from flowers or plants that have been sprayed is being linked to problems such as colony collapse. . The other big problem under study is the massive change in the genetics of