1984In the book 1984, written by George Orwell, the protagonist Winston Smith is a low-ranking government employee for the party in power in London. People are constantly watched, even in their own homes. The Party observes everyone through television screens, the device used as a surveillance camera and a television. There are posters of the Party's all-knowing leader, Big Brother, everywhere. The Party rules over everything in Oceania, including the nation's history and even its language. At the time we meet Winston, the Party is mandating the implementation of an invented language known as Newspeak. This language eliminates any references to rebellion or related words. The Party has also made thought crime extremely illegal. This is the worst crime a person can commit. This occurs when a person has a rebellious thought. Winston begins his story by finding a diary and starting to write down how he feels and what he thinks, engaging in his first thought crime is a rush he must return to. This diary experience leads to other opportunities for Winston to betray the Party, including meeting a woman named Julia and engaging in the forbidden act of having sex with her. He later has sex with Julia many times and rents a room only for his own personal needs. Winston relies on who he can put his trust in and who he can't. This leads to betrayal and soon the collapse of Winston's mind and everything he thinks he knows. Orwell uses many themes and motifs in this story. Through the use of themes, symbols, and dynamic characters, Orwell creates an intriguing novel and political statement on all totalitarian regimes. Orwell uses themes in 1984 to show how the characters evolve as he continues to portray..... .middle of paper......thoughts rebellious to the normal mindless activity of civilians. These aren't the only important characters; Orwell uses many minor characters for crucial statements and understanding of the book. An example is when Parsons speaks to Winston and says, “What I mean to say is that there is a war going on” (Orwell, 1984). These minor elements that play an important role in the story show how the book is very intricate and involves more than just a group of people. 1984 is groundbreaking in the way it tackles a very controversial global political topic. Along with Animal Farm, George Orwell presents his opinion and some facts to the audience. Its use of exquisite symbols, themes, and characters make this novel a down-to-earth yet entertaining work of art. Work cited Lange, Bernd-Peter. George Orwell, “1984” Munich: W. Fink, 1982. Print.