Topic > Implications of capitalism on the objective content of news

While capitalism might initially be seen as a positive influence on free and open access to information, it can actually also have a detrimental impact. Inaccurate reporting, sensationalized material and manipulation through the media are all repercussions of the effects of capitalism. Capitalism's influence on the media distorts content in favor of the market, preventing the public from accessing democratic and objective news content. Too often, capitalist influence dominates the media market through conglomerate control, structured by the ever-increasing desire to raise capital, treating audiences as commodities regardless of the resulting negative repercussions. Instead of presenting issues that are balanced, impartial, relevant, and open to the interpretation of media consumers in order to best meet the needs of society, the result is an information cycle that does not broaden public democratic discourse, but channels it with biases. The best place to begin a review of the relationship between media, capitalism and democracy is the United States of America, where democracy is considered its foundation, free speech is protected in the Declaration of Independence and its society has maintained consider the capitalism as the best option for the prosperity and equality of its citizens. In the United States, news channels have long been believed to have clear connections to political philosophies. Depending on company interests, content across media channels will exhibit bias, supporting a left-wing, right-wing or neutral point of view to best serve the company. Stanford University professor Magnuson points out: “The media plays a significant role in American society. democracy; exercises considerable influential power; use this... half the paper... t. Thousand Oaks, California Pine Forge Press, 2006. Print."How to Detect Bias in the News Media." FAIR Equity Accuracy in reporting. Np, nd Web.May, Rollo. The courage to create. New York: Bantam Books. Print.Magnuson, A.J. “The Implications of Capitalism for the Media: How Democracy Suffers.” Stanford University (2003): No. Page. Print.McChesney, Robert Waterman. Corporate Media and the Threat to Democracy. New York: Seven Stories , 1997 .Print.Mills Cary, Adams James and Taylor Kate “CBC Sees Government Funding Cut by $115 Million.” (Ottawa), March 29, 2012, sec. Politics.Schelzig, Erik. corporate influence on the media in new book, defends current TV sales." page , Yan. "The effect of the news media on public opinion toward environmental issues." Yahoo Contributor Network.