Everyone in this world now has a marker of identity known as race. A particular person's race refers to a relationship with a specific group of people who tend to share similar physical and cultural characteristics. This creates an idea of a physical and cultural divide between different types of people. Race focuses on dividing people based on social and not biological viewpoints, even though race itself is defined as both a cultural and physical component. Race has been used to validate inhumane behavior in many historical periods such as slavery and genocide (Golash-Boza 2015, p.6-7). The idea of race was created, it is not a natural idea to segregate different people into categories. This was built during the time of the conquest of America and it is believed that horrible and unthinkable actions were justifiable with the creation of the race (Golash-Boza 2015, p.7). The mere thought that one person was inferior to another increased the power of the “superior” individual and made him or her feel responsible and in control of the inferior person. This caused many battles for people of “inferior races” and led to brutality, rape and even murder (Blockade 2001-2002). Rape in general, regardless of who commits the crime, is a horrible and unforgivable crime. However, in the 1700s records of black and white rape were documented differently. In these times, “colonial newspapers used race as an ideological construction that imputed causality to supposed racial differences: blackness indicated uncontrolled sexual behavior” (Block 2001-2002, p. 1-2). Therefore white males who committed rape were not judged as harshly as black males who committed the same crime. In reality, if two people commit the same crime they should be punished… on paper… in the process of racialization and become “white” (Golash-Boza 2015, p.52). African Americans and Native Americans, on the other hand, have never had the opportunity to assimilate, to racialize and to become "white". Violence against African Americans increased over the years, from 1884 to 1900 over 2,500 lynchings were documented. Hate groups began to form that displayed open violence towards African Americans, but they always had to be on their best behavior under the strict system of legal segregation (Golash-Boza 2015, p.57). Police and African Americans have had many differences and difficulties throughout history. One of the major groups that opposed the legal system was formed in 1989, they called themselves the Black Panthers. Racial ideologies have changed over time from a form of biological racism, to cultural, and now to color-blind racism..