Topic > Disadvantages of Timber Shortage - 1307

One disadvantage of logging is the deforestation of wild forests and emissions from the equipment used to cut them down. At least that's what the public is told by those who don't exactly know the facts. As Chad Oliver, author of “Why Our Buildings Should Be Made of Wood,” states, “The 3.4 billion cubic yards of wood harvested each year represents just 20% of new annual growth. Increasing the timber harvest to 34% or more would have several profound and positive effects. Emissions equal to 14-31% of global CO2 would be avoided by producing less steel and cement and storing CO2 in the cellular structure of wood products. An additional 12-19% of annual global fossil fuel consumption would be saved, including savings from burning wood waste and unsellable materials to produce energy.” The profound effects mentioned are that when all this timber is cleared and the forest is bare, there is room for lots of new life to grow, so there is no overpopulation. The only disadvantages shown here affect other materials industries if wood remains a major industry