Topic > Methods to Increase Fluid Intelligence in "Can You Get Smarter...

"Can You Get Smarter? Written by Dan Hurley, first published in 2011 in The New York Times newspaper, it described ways to increase fluid intelligence, which allows people to manipulate data and solve problems. The article was effective through the use of examples to help readers relate to research that many would otherwise find boring. The author begins the article with a scene in an elementary school where classes of disadvantaged students work on their computers. A black cat appears on the screen. They must remember the cat's last position. As the levels increase, so does the difficulty. The author claims that through continuous practice and training students will improve their performance. Their fundamental mental capacity is also known as fluid intelligence (IQ). Fluid intelligence is the ability to manipulate data and solve problems. We've seen the Coppertone tan commercial where a 98 pound weakling gets sand kicked in the face and then works out at the gym and turns into a Hulk, tanned of course. The author “claims that you can train your body...