The seven sacraments in the Catholic lifestyle are Baptism, the Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Marriage, Holy Orders and finally the Anointing of the Sick ( “The seven Catholic sacraments”).BaptismBaptism is the first sacrament of initiation which acts as a passage to the other sacraments (“Sacraments of the Catholic Church”). It is the true sacrament of rebirth (quote), it is something through which people are included in the church in a bond of union through baptism (“Sacraments of the Catholic Church”). The most likely person to administer the Sacrament of Rebirth Baptism is by a priest (Trigilio and Brighenti). Even if this is true, anyone can administer the sacrament to someone who is baptized (Trigilio and Brighenti). The symbols of Baptism are Oils, Water and the Sign of the Cross (The Symbols of Baptism). Baptism oil is olive oil spread on the baby this symbolizes the struggle and struggle with the life that awaits you ("The Symbols of Baptism"). The olive oil is mixed with something called “balm”, the mixture is then rubbed on the baby's forehead (“The Symbols of Baptism”). Water is poured on the child's head and he is immersed in the water then the priest states: "I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (“The Symbols of Baptism”). The Sign of the Cross, a priest will make this sign of the child's forehead on his forehead but then the priest will offer the parents and godparents to do the same (“The Symbols of Baptism”). Confirmation Confirmation is considered the sacrament that comes after baptism (“Sacraments of the Catholic Church”). This sacrament is considered the second sacrament because it helps you draw closer to God by helping your baptized body (“Sacraments of the Catholic Church”). The person most likely to administer this sacrament is a “bishop” (“The Sacrament of Confirmation”), although this is true, a priest can also administer the sacrament (“The Sacrament of Confirmation”). The symbols of the sacrament of Confirmation are “Fire, a dove and the Anointing with Chrism” (“Symbols of Confirmation”). Fire represents the passion and “energy” of the “Holy Spirit” (“Confirmation Symbols”). The dove is considered the displayed holiness of the “Holy Spirit” that pacifies everything in your body (“Confirmation Symbols”). And finally “Anointing with Chrism”. The “Anointing with Chrism” occurs when the person being confirmed is made mentally and spiritually stronger (“Symbols of Confirmation”).